Welcome to rooot.net
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This website contains a few pages about software development, some projects and debian.
My resume (pdf file): download
Geek stuff |
Development |
Instead of having a normal life, a geek loves to get in hopeless and time-wasting projects. But you don't choose being a geek (or not). You feel it |
Development is fun too, yay! |
Starcraft II on Debian testing buster
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Starcraft II is not only a great game, but it's free to play and can run on linux!
Here is a quick how to install and run Battle.net and Startcraft II on linux Debian (testing) Buster.
Seafile 6 on ARMv7-based Synology DiskStation NAS
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Seafile is an open source Dropbox alternative that offer encryption on client-side (data is stored encrypted on the server and server don't have password). This article mostly follows Seafile manual installation process and describe how to install Seafile in a Debian chroot running on a Synology DiskStation NAS.